The TAC is made up of citizen volunteers and interested community members and is supported by the Planning & Community Development Department.  Join Us!

Any citizen can attend a TAC meeting or apply to be appointed to the TAC which:

  • Reviews current road conditions, advising the County Board of Commissioners and the NC Department of Transportation (DOT).
  • Participates in transportation project prioritization in Transylvania County as part of the North Carolina's State Transportation Improvement Program. (NC DOT Division 14).
  • Participates in the development of the County's Comprehensive Transportation Plan every five to ten years. The process of updating the Comprehensive Transportation has begun. Please review the meeting materials below for updates.
  • Considers alternate transportation projects including pedestrian, bicycling, and greenway trails.

The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) meets the 2nd Tuesday in January, April, July and October in the Multipurpose Chambers of the County Administration Building, 101 S. Broad St., Brevard at 6:00pm. Special meetings are held as needed to prioritize transportation projects for funding through the SPOT 8.0 process.  

Information Links:


How projects are prioritized for NC DOT funding:  

Additional Transportation Information: 

TAC Meeting Documents


April 8, 2025:





Agenda Packet






February 12, 2025: Special Meeting

Public Notice:

Minutes: Approved at next meeting


Agenda Packet



Audio file

January 14, 2025- Canceled/Moved to February



October 8, 2024- Canceled

July 9, 2024-

Audio file

April 9, 2024- Canceled

January 9, 2024- Canceled



October 10, 2023- 

Audio file

Special Meeting: August 8, 2023- PresentationAgenda Packet


July 11, 2023- Agenda, Agenda Packet


April 11, 2023- Agenda, Minutes, Agenda Packet 

Audio file

January 10, 2023- Agenda, Minutes Audio

Audio file


October 18, 2022- Agenda, Minutes, Agenda Packet 

Audio file

July 12, 2022- Agenda, Minutes audio

Audio file

April 26, 2022- Agenda, Minutes 

Audio file

January 11, 2022- Canceled


October 12, 2021- Agenda, Minutes, Agenda Packet

Audio file

July 13, 2021- Agenda, Minutes, Agenda Packet

Audio file

April 13 2021- Agenda, Minutes

January 12 2021- Canceled