It is the purpose of the human resources department to provide quality services to the Board of Commissioners, departments and employees of Transylvania County. Services include: recruitment of qualified individuals; retention of valuable employees; Training, development and education to promote individual success and increase overall value to the organization; a safe and healthful working environment; Inspiration and encouragement for a high level of employee morale through recognition, effective communication and constant feedback; resources for administering benefits and helping with the process needs of employees; and policies and procedures.

Employment Opportunities

It is the policy of the county to foster, maintain and promote equal employment opportunity. The county shall select employees on the basis of the applicant's qualifications and without regard to age, sex, race, color, religion, political affiliation or national origin except where specific age, sex, or physical requirements constitute bona fide occupational qualifications necessary for job performance. Applicants with disabilities shall be given equal consideration with other applicants for positions in which their disabilities do not represent an unreasonable barrier to satisfactory performance of duties. Every effort will be made to accommodate the disability.

All personnel responsible for recruitment and employment shall implement this personnel policy through procedures that will assure equal employment opportunity based on reasonable performance-related job requirements. Notices with regard to equal employment matters shall be posted in conspicuous places on county government premises in places where notices are customarily posted. 


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NOTE: If you are an internal applicant contact Human Resources at 884-3100 to inquire about the internal application process.Thank you for your interest in seeking employment with Transylvania County Government.

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