Transylvania County Joint Historic Preservation Commission


The Joint Historic Preservation Commission or JHPC is a nine-member board appointed by the County Commissioners. This Commission is charged with preserving local historical properties within the County, Town of Rosman, and the City of Brevard. The responsibility of the Commission is to keep an inventory of potential properties of significance (historical, architectural, and/or cultural), they review and investigate applications of landmark properties and approve alterations or additions to the exterior structures of approved historic landmarks. They oversee helping educate county residents through educational programs with historical preservation and can prepare a preservation plan for the County. The JHPC meets on the second Tuesday of the Month at 4:00 PM in the County Commissioners Chambers.


Currently the JHPC has approved 21 local historic landmark properties in Transylvania County, some of which are located within the National Register of Historic Places Districts in the City of Brevard. There are two historic districts which are approved by the National Parks Service. To view the properties that are associated with either of these please click here.


(Above to the Left Brevard College Fence, 1937 and to the Right Chestnut Hill House both Designated Landmarks)

Local Historic Landmark Designation, is a local designation that helps preserve buildings, sites, structures, or objects which have been deemed to have significance through historical, cultural, or architectural. It also must posses integrity of design, setting, workmanship, materials, feeling and/or association. For those interested in finding out more about designation a property owner must send in an application and report to the JHPC. Please see the links below for more information. Any questions please contact [email protected].

All Local Historical Landmark Designations are approved through the passing of an Ordinance from the Local Governing Board, which could be the City Council, Town Alderman’s, or County Board of Commissioners. This depends on the location of the landmark. All property owners with a landmark are eligible for a 50% deferral of annual property taxes.

Once Designated all property owners must apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness if they are making any alterations or additions to the exterior structure, building, site, or objects. Some alterations or additions are considered exempt such as maintenance upkeep. To understand what would need a Certificate of Appropriateness please see below.

Current Projects or News

May is Preservation Month

This May the JHPC encouraged citizens to be involved in many events happenings throughout the month of May that was hosted by local historical organizations. Some of the Commission members gave historical walking tours downtown, grave cleaning, and events at the Transylvania Heritage Museum.

African American Survey of Architectural and Culture

The JHPC facilitated an architectural and cultural survey of African American communities in Transylvania County. This project allowed existing structures and related architectural resources of the community to be understood within a historical context. The Final Report was put together with the help of Michael Ann Williams and Sydney Varajon. Below is the final written report and the presentation of the survey. The project assembled transcripts of the interviews, but not all interviews have been transcribed at this time. The finished transcriptions are available by contacting the Planning and Community Development Department or the Transylvania County Library for copies.

JHPC Annual Reports:   

JHPC Strategic Plan


JHPC Meetings- Located in the Cooperative Extension Conference Room at 106 E. Morgan Street @ 4pm every other Month



  • September 10, 2024
  • July 9, 2024:


  • May 14, 2024:
  • March 12, 2024:
  • January 30, 2024: Special Meeting
  • January 9, 2024: Canceled


  • November 14, 2023: 
  • August 29, 2023 (SPECIAL)- Agenda

