Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 6:00 pm at County Administration, Multipurpose Chambers
Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 6:00 pm at County Administration, Multipurpose Chambers
Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 6:00 pm at County Administration, Multipurpose Chambers


Ecusta Trail Public Comment/Input

Please click the link below to review the NCDOT plans for the Ecusta Trail project. This will also allow you to give your input to NCDOT on the project as well. (

Ecusta Trail Maps (NCDOT)

Teresa Buckwalter, Multimodal Transportation Planner, Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. (does not work in NCDOT)

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 828.719.0177

Asheville Highway Roundabout Concept (NCDOT)

Asheville Highway (R5799) Roundabout Concept



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 Asheville Highway Roundabout Plans



North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 160D updates to Transylvania County's land use ordinances. click here

We oversee all land use ordinances and provide guidance for property development in Transylvania County, excluding the City of Brevard and its Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (with the exception of farmers in the ETJ).  The Transylvania County Planning Board is currently reviewing and updating existing land use ordinances in accordance with their by-laws

Additionally, we provide guidance, personnel and administrative support to the following appointed county advisory boards:


We empower our community to shape its future by facilitating the engagement of our citizens and public sector groups for the purpose of creating a more functional society and improving our own social, economic and environmental situation.  


