For property owners who have been impacted with flood damage please click the link above for additional information. If you have not already spoken with someone from our office, regarding your damages please call 828-884-3209 or email Someone will respond as quickly as possible.
Permit Fee Changes
Effective July 1, 2024, some of our permit fees have changed. The fee for a Commercial Single Trade Permit, ABC Permit and RV/Park Model will increase to $150.00. Please refer to our fee schedule under guides in our forms tab for a complete list of fees.
Online Permit Application Process
Introducing online applications for residential, manufactured, commercial and sign permitting. Simply click on the "Permit Applications" picture below. Complete and submit your application. Don't forget to upload all remaining required documentation. Permit categories with a list of requirements, downloadable forms and applications can be found here.
Permit System
***All permit applications for residential and commercial projects must have required documentation uploaded with the application at the time of submission. Incomplete applications will be rejected. In order to upload documents, your pop-up blocker must be disabled.***
Flood Prone Areas: Know Your Risk
Learn about flood risk for a specific address at NC Flood Maps. Construction in a designated flood area requires a Floodplain Development Permit. Streambank Restoration Permit click here. The Transylvania County Flood Prevention Ordinance provides additional guidance. Building Permitting and Enforcement provides floodplain administration for Transylvania County.
2018 Codes Now Available
The 2018 North Carolina Building Codes shall be effective January 1, 2018. Books are now available for purchase at The new code may be viewed by clicking here.
Quick Tips
This document provides helpful information for a proper generator installation. Compliance with these guidelines shall help with the installation and inspection process. Click here for more information.
Annual Report
Click below to download our 2023 Annual Report (please be patient, will take a few minutes to load).
The Building Permitting and Enforcement website offers a wide array of services. This site is intended to create a new level of customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. General information from our downloadable forms to our frequently asked questions is available. Guests may utilize the Permit and Inspection System to view permit information. Contractors may utilize the system for online inspection requests, inspection status, inspector scheduling and the online mechanical/plumbing/electrical permit application.
Our Mission Statement
Our goal is to ensure the quality of life of those who live, work and visit Transylvania County by promoting safety in the regulation of the construction, use and occupancy of buildings and by taking a customer oriented approach to finding educated, cost effective solutions.
Transylvania County’s Building Code is mandated by the State of North Carolina and administered through the Engineering Division of the NC Department of Insurance. It is the same code that is used throughout the state. In NC, as in every area of the world, codes continually evolve in response to changes in materials, technologies and methods of construction. Principally, tragic and disastrous events influence changes to building codes. Such events that have influenced building code requirements in NC include hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and fire. The County currently enforces the 2018 North Carolina Building Codes and the 2017 National Electrical Code. Codes may be viewed online.