Notice is hereby given that the Transylvania County Board of Commissioners will meet jointly with the Transylvania County Board of Education on Monday, March 4, 2024, in a special called meeting at 4:00 p.m. in the Multipurpose Chambers at the Transylvania County Administration Building, located at 101 S. Broad St., Brevard, NC.
The purpose of the meeting is for the Boards to receive the report from the Education Capital Work Group and consulting firm on the analysis of the eight school facilities. No action will be taken at this meeting.
This notice is being made in accordance with North Carolina Open Meetings Law. The meeting is open to the public and all citizens are invited and encouraged to attend. For more information, contact the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners at (828) 884-1936 or [email protected].
This the 20th day of February 2024.