Trailblazer Award Presented to Deb Haight

Deborah Haight received the sixth annual Trailblazer Award on Wednesday, May 25, 2022, at the monthly Board of Delegates meeting at Land of Sky Regional Council. The award is given annually to a professional in Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, or Transylvania Counties who is a pioneer and innovator in the field of aging and adult services.

Deb is the Director of Older Adult Services and Thrift Stores for WNCSource. She has a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree from UNC-Charlotte and is a Registered Nurse.

Deb began her career with WNCSource in 1999 as a site manager for Silvermont Congregate Nutrition. Through the years she has held many positions within the agency before returning to her “roots” in aging services in 2017. She states, “We concentrate on connecting older adults and their families with services in Transylvania County.” These services include congregate meal programs at Quebec and Silvermont, home delivered meals, shelf-stable meal boxes, and liquid nutrition. Box fans and garden vouchers are also provided based on availability and funding.

On June 1, 2021, Deb started the Serve Our Seniors (SOS) program which was made possible through a grant from the WNC Bridge Foundation. SOS offers Transylvania seniors a safe and welcoming place to socialize and take part in a variety of activities meant to support healthy aging. SOS activities include exercise classes, cards/board games, crafts, and presentations from community professionals.

Deb is currently serving her second term on the Transylvania County Council on Aging Board, appointed by the Transylvania County Commissioners. She is a nationally Certified Community Action Professional (CCAP) and Mentor. CCAP is a national credentialing program for community action managers and leaders who work helping low-income people achieve economic stability.

The Carol McLimans Trailblazer Award was established in 2016 to honor a professional in Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, and Transylvania Counties who is a pioneer and innovator in the field of aging and adult services.