20140924_175627.jpgTransylvania Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is one of 96 Soil and Water Conservation Districts in North Carolina. SWCDs were formed across the country as a way of addressing soil erosion on cropland during the Dust Bowl Era of the 1930's. The country's very first SWCD, The Brown Creek SWCD, was formed in Anson County, North Carolina in 1937. The Transylvania SWCD was formed in 1955. Today, the Transylvania SWCD addresses conservation issues in the county by offering technical assistance, educational programs, resources, and by locating and administering cost share programs and grants to assist landowners with conservation practices on their land.

The District is governed by a five person Board who have a grassroots philosophy of protecting Transylvania County's natural resources. Two supervisors are appointed, and three are elected.

Transylvania SWCD’s mission is to conserve, enhance, and promote the natural resources of Transylvania County by providing technical assistance, environmental education, and economic incentives to county citizens through a diversified voluntary program designed to meet changing needs.

What We Do / Available Services:

Farmers & Homeowners:

  • Erosion Control Information
  • Animal Waste Systems
  • Soil Testing Information
  • Streambank Stabilization
  • No-Till and Minimum Till
  • Pasture and Hayland Management
  • Access Road Layout & Diversions
  • Critical Area Stabilization
  • Pond Design
  • Grassed Waterways and Field Borders
  • Wildlife Planting Information
  • Tree Seedlings & Heavy Use Areas
  • Cost Sharing Information
  • Ag Equipment Rental
  • Debris Removal from the French Broad River

Civic Groups & Clubs:

  • Conservation Education Programs
  • Informational Materials

Developers & Units of Government:

  • Soil Information & Maps
  • Aerial Photography
  • Topographical Maps
  • Erosion Control Information
  • Urban Conservation Measures
  • Watershed Planning

Schools & Home school Groups:

  • Conservation Education Programs
  • Enviroscape Demonstrations
  • Resource Materials
  • Resource Conservation Workshop
  • 7th Grade Conservation Field Day
  • Envirothon Competition
  • Poster, Speech, & Essay Contests
  • Teacher Workshops

Helpful Links:


  • Establish or Enforce Environmental Regulations
  • Soil or Water Testing
  • Site Wells or Septic Systems
  • Go on Someone’s Property Without Their Permission


We offer technical and financial assistance to landowners to control erosion on their land. We also offer a variety of conservation education programs and materials to citizens of all ages. The benefits of our services include: increased soil quality and improved crop and animal yields in our county, better water quality in our streams, safer navigation of the French Broad River, and increased awareness of the importance of soil and water conservation in our community.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: My neighbor’s property is washing soil onto my property. Can you tell him to stop?
No. We can only go on someone’s property with their permission. You should call NC DEQ at (828) 296-4500.

Q; Do you do “perc” tests for septic systems or locate existing systems?
No. You should call the Transylvania County Environmental Health Dept. at (828) 884-3139.

Q: Do you site wells?
No. You should call the Transylvania County Environmental Health Dept. at (828) 884-3139.

Q: Can you test my soil?
No. Our office has the soil boxes and forms for soil testing. You get the boxes and complete the required information and send it to the NC Soil Testing Lab in Raleigh.

Q: Can you test my water?
No. You should call the Transylvania County Environmental Health Dept. at (828) 884-3139, or a private water testing lab.

Q: Can I pay my water bill, have my water cut on, or report a maintenance issue with your office?
No. We are not affiliated with any water department. You will need to call your water provider for those issues. For Brevard city water, call (828)884-4123. Connestee water customers should call: 1-800-525-7990.