Downtown Brevard is rich with history and preserved historic buildings. Take a walk through the Main Street Historic District to see just what makes Brevard so special. Enjoy the Co-Ed Theater, an Art Moderne theater that speaks to Hollywood's Golden Age. Walk by the Aethelwold Hotel, where John D. Rockefeller and former President William Taft stayed. Visit the Transylvania County Courthouse, a pillar of this community since 1881. There are many opportunities to peek into the past! Several of the buildings are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. 

In 2018, the Joint Historic Preservation Commission in partnership with the Heart of Brevard and the Rowell Bosse NC Room of the Transylvania County Library collaborated to produce the Brevard Historic Downtown Walking Tour Guide highlighting many of the historic buildings in the Main Street National Historic District.

Below, you may click on a building's name to learn more about its history.