July 2024

Commissioners' Meeting 07/08/2024

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Meeting Details:

I. Call to Order
II. Welcome
III. Special Appointment of County Commissioner
A. Appointment of Chase Robert McKelvey as County Commissioner
IV. Public Comment (15-minute time limit)
Sign up is required. Speakers will be limited to three minutes. The public comment period will close
when there are no more speakers, or the 15-minute limit is reached.
V. Agenda Modifications
VI. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
B. Out of State Training Request by Fire Marshal's Office
C. Notice to Donate Surplus Ambulance to Blue Ridge Community College
D. Directed Grant from Senator Corbin – Region 1 Public Health Workforce Development Project
VII. Presentations/Recognitions
VIII. Appointments
A. Voting Delegate to the NCACC Annual Conference
B. Juvenile Crime Prevention Council
IX. Old Business
A. Consideration of Quarter Cent Sales Tax Referendum
B. 2024-2025 NCACC Legislative Goal Proposals
X. New Business
A. Scopes of Work for School Bond Projects
B. FY 2024 4th Quarter Budget Amendments
C. FY 2023 Audit Update
D. Library Broadband E-Rate Project
E. Manager's Report
XI. Public Comment
Speakers will be limited to three minutes. The Chairman will limit the number of speakers speaking on
the same subject. No one individual will be permitted to repetitively speak on the same subject.
XII. Commissioners' Comments
XIV. Adjournment