March 2020

Public Notice - Special Meeting COVID-19 03/31/2020

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Meeting Details:

Notice is hereby given that the Transylvania County Board of Commissioners will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is for the Board to take necessary action related to the COVID-19 response. Agenda items include the following:

If any member of the public has trouble accessing the meeting electronically/online, a call-in option will be provided for audio only.
Dial (712) 775-7270. Access code: 554381.

1. Update on COVID-19 activities
2. Technical revisions to the Emergency Management Ordinance to reflect changes in State law
3. COVID-19 purchase request and designation of reserve line item for COVID-19 items
4. Amendment to Board of Commissioners’ Rules of Procedure to permit electronic meetings
5. Permission to Citizen Advisory Councils to conduct electronic meetings or cancel/postpone meetings
6. Discussion and possible action to restrict short term rentals during statewide Stay at Home Executive Order
7. Discussion and possible action to request closure of the Blue Ridge Parkway

The meeting will be held in the Multipurpose Chambers at the Transylvania County Administration Building, located at 101 S. Broad St., Brevard, NC. In accordance with NC Open Meetings Law, the meeting is open to the public; however, the Governor’s Stay at Home Executive Order limits public gatherings to 10 people. Transylvania County intends to comply with the Executive Order and Commissioners and staff in attendance will practice social distancing to protect the health and safety of others.

The meeting can be viewed online at or via Facebook Live at https:www.facebook/TransylaniaCounty/. For more information, contact Clerk to the Board Trisha Hogan at (828) 884-1936 or [email protected].
This the 29th day of March, 2020.
Trisha M. Hogan
Clerk to the Board