September 2024

Commissioners' Meeting 09/23/24

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Meeting Details:

I. Call to Order
II. Welcome
III. Public Comment (15-minute time limit)
Sign up is required. Speakers will be limited to three minutes. The public comment period will close when there are no more speakers, or the 15-minute limit is reached.
IV. Agenda Modifications
V. Consent Agenda
A. August 2024 Discovery, Release & Monthly Settlement Report
B. Request to Close Tax Administration Office on December 6th for Employee Training
C. Request by Communications to Attend Out of State Training
D. Health Dept Bad Debt Write Off : 07/01/2023 to 12/31/2023
VI. Presentations/Recognitions
A. Update from YouthVoice Delegate
B. Update on Transportation Projects
C. Monthly Capital Update
D. County's Affordable Housing Efforts
VII. Appointments
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
A. Issuance of General Obligation School Bonds
B. Adoption of Continuing Disclosure Policy
C. Duke Energy Disaster Response Grant
D. City of Brevard Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) Federal Grant Application Letter of Support
E. Gallimore Road Sewer Project and City of Brevard Easement Request
F. Goals for 2024-25 NCACC Federal Legislative Agenda
G. Manager's Report
X. Public Comment
Speakers will be limited to three minutes. The Chairman will limit the number of speakers speaking on the same subject. No one individual will be permitted to repetitively speak on the same subject.
XI. Commissioners' Comments
XII. Closed Session
A. Per N.C.G.S. 143-318.11 (a) (5) To establish, or instruct the public body's staff or negotiating agents concerning the position to be taken by or on behalf of the public body in negotiating the price and other material terms of a contract or proposed contract for the acquisition of real property by purchase, option, exchange or lease.
XIII. Adjournment