June 2020
Commissioners Meeting 06/22/2020
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Meeting Details:
TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Multipurpose Chambers-County Administration Building 101 South Broad Street, Brevard, NC Monday, June 22, 2020 @ 6:00 p.m.The Board of Commissioners’ meeting can be viewed online (www.transylvaniacounty.org) and via Facebook Live. To protect the health and safety of everyone, Transylvania County will practice social distancing during meetings.
Staff has added a call-in option for members of the public who may have trouble accessing the meeting online. The call-in option is for audio only. Dial (712) 775-7270. Access code: 554381
II. PUBLIC COMMENT (15-minute time limit) Sign up is required. Speakers will be limited to three minutes. The public comment period will close when there are no more speakers, or the 15-minute limit is reached.
IV. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion will be held except on a request of a member of the Board of Commissioners. A. Minutes B. Discovery, Release and Monthly Settlement Report C. Vaya Health Maintenance of Effort Allocation Acknowledgement D. Resolution-Designation of July as Parks and Recreation Month E. Disaster Response Special Revenue Fund
V. PRESENTATIONS/RECOGNITIONS A. Proclamation in Memory of William J. “Will” Cathey, III
VI. APPOINTMENTS A. Parks and Recreation Commission B. Regional Council on Aging C. Social Services Board D. Review of County Commission Appointments
VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Letter of Recommendation to US Forest Service on Nantahala/Pisgah National Forests Plan Revision
VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Transylvania County FY 2021 Budget B. Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Membership Consolidation C. Fire Department Audits D. Manager’s Report
IX. PUBLIC COMMENT Speakers will be limited to three minutes. The Chairman will limit the number of speakers speaking on the same subject. No one individual will be permitted to repetitively speak on the same subject.