November 2016
11-30-2016 Special Meeting
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Meeting Details:
The Board of Commissioners of Transylvania County met in special session on Wednesday, November30, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. in the Arthur C. Wilson, Jr. Conference Room in the County Administration
Building, located at 101 S. Broad Street, Brevard, NC. The meeting was called for the purposes of
allowing Commissioners to discuss a personnel matter in closed session as allowed per North Carolina
General Statute.
Commissioners present were Vice-Chairman Larry Chapman, Jason Chappell, Chairman Mike Hawkins,
and Page Lemel. Commissioner Kelvin Phillips was absent due to illness. Also present were County
Manager Jaime Laughter and Human Resources Director Sheila Cozart. The County Manager took
minutes on behalf of the Clerk to the Board.
There were no media or any other members of the public present.
Chairman Hawkins presiding declared a quorum was present and called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.
Chairman Hawkins moved to enter into closed session per NCGS 143-318.11 (a) (6) to consider the
qualifications, competence, performance, condition of employment of a public officer or employee
or prospective public officer or employee, seconded by Commissioner Lemel and unanimously
Commissioners conducted individual interviews with three candidates for the Tax Administrator position.
After interviews, Commissioners evaluated the candidates based on their interviews and assessment
center scoring and instructed staff on how to proceed.
Chairman Hawkins moved to leave closed session, seconded by Commissioner Lemel and
unanimously carried.