May 2004

05-25-2004 Budget Workshops

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Meeting Details:

Commissioners present: Chairman Ray Miller, Marla Cilley, Jeff Duvall and David Guice.  Commissioner Davenport arrived at 6:30 pm
Staff:  Manager Artie Wilson, Finance Director Gay Poor, Clerk to Board Kimberly Conover
No member of the public or press was present.
Chairman Miller called the workshop to order at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of considering the FY 2004-2005 budget.  The budget is a computer printout, with a three-ring binder as the explanation and backup of the budget, and is on file in the finance office, administration building and at the library. 
The chairman welcomed all members present and explained the procedure the board will follow to arrive at a decision for the budget.  To allow all commissioners to have a general understanding of the budget, the chairman’s goal for the first day of the workshop was to receive an overview from the manager of all revenues, expenses and fund balances.  The workshops that follow will be spent working through the budget by departments, reviewing both revenues and expenses.  Although six days have been set aside for the workshop, the plan is to complete the process in three days.