Transylvania County Response to Hurricane Helene

SPECIAL NOTE- NC Emergency Management and FEMA have notified of false information being spread on hurricane response on social media and this is happening locally as well.  Be advised to read releases provided from trusted sources carefully. State EM has issued a state level fact v rumor info sheet: Hurricane Helene: Fact vs. Rumor | NC DPS

Storm Debris After Helene: Private and Commercial Business Property Debris Removal

FEMA Housing Presentation 10/28/24


FEMA Disaster Recovery Center

You can also apply for assistance by online at, by telephone at (800) 621-3362, or using the FEMA weather app. The FEMA Helpline at (800) 621-3362 may be able to provide additional referrals not available through FEMA. 


Debris Removal

How can I report where debris removal is needed?

Please use the following link to report debris that needs collected. Debris Reporting Form

How will debris removal be done?

The US Army Corp of Engineers is hiring a contractor to remove debris related to Hurricane Helene in Transylvania County from public road right of way.  Property owners which have driveway access from any NC Department of Transportation maintained road can move this debris to the right of way along the NC DOT maintained road for pickup. Pick up may start as early as December 16 so citizens are encouraged to begin moving debris to the right of way according to the guidelines provided.

What if I do not live on an NCDOT road?

 Any citizen which has driveway access off any privately maintained road (including developments) must complete a Right of Entry form before any pickup can occur.  Before moving debris to the right of way, a right of entry form must be filled out. Debris will only be picked up from the main road right of way and not from private property or driveways. Please follow the Debris Remove Guidelines example for placement and sorting of material. 

Who signs the Right of Entry Form?

If a development has a Homeowner’s Association that maintains the roads, the HOA may fill out the right of entry form and mail it to [email protected]. This will allow for debris pick up to occur. NO DEBRIS WILL BE REMOVED WITHOUT A RIGHT OF ENTRY FORM ON PRIVATE ROADS.  For this reason, do not move debris until the Right of Entry form has been submitted.  The contractor may only be able to service a private road 1-2 times.

If there is not a HOA,  all property owners who use the private road will need to fill out a right of entry form and submit.

Where can I verify if my road is a public road or a private road?

Most private roads in the county will have a yellow marker showing PVT on the road name sign.  To verify, you can follow this link to help determine if your road is a NC DOT maintained road. NC One Map

If you are unable to determine if your road is a NC DOT maintained road or private road from this link, you can call 828-884-3108 and press 0 for the operator. 

Where can I get a right of entry form?

A link is provided below for anyone needing to complete a Right of Entry form.  For developments with a Homeowners Association, the association may submit one Right of Entry form for the entire development.  For developments without a Homeowners Association, each property owner will need to submit a Right of Entry form.  You will complete the form and then email it to the address at the bottom of the form.

Click here for the Right of Entry Form

For questions related to this, email [email protected]

What are the guidelines for placing debris for pickup?

Instructions are in the graphic provided by the Army Corps of Engineers.  Failure to follow the guidelines will mean that debris will not be picked up.

Debris Removal Graphic


Water, Food, and Other Resources

Housing Assistance Application

Solid Waste Disposal Fee Assistance: Regular household or business waste does not quality for FEMA assistance or fee waiver. Vegetative storm debris is accepted at the landfill for free. Convenience sites are open at normal hours for household trash with stickers as usual.

Transylvania County Facebook: Follow the county Facebook page for daily media briefings and other updates.

Transylvania Public Health: Information about water and food safety and other health-related resources.

Transylvania County Building Permitting & Enforcement: Contact 828-884-3029 or email [email protected] for inspections of flood-damaged buildings.

FEMA Disaster Assistance: FEMA has declared Individual Assistance (IA) for Hurricane Helene. This means residents can apply for disaster assistance from FEMA to help offset disaster-related expenses. Apply online at, by telephone at (800) 621-3362, or using the FEMA weather app. (For help completing this application, see these tips from the NC Department of Insurance.)

Disaster Unemployment Assistance: People in Transylvania County who are unemployed as a direct result of Hurricane Helene may be eligible for unemployment benefits under the DUA program. Business owners and self-employed individuals affected by the storm may also qualify for benefits. You have 60 days from Oct. 1 to file an application for DUA at or call (919) 629-3857. The deadline to apply is Dec. 2, 2024. Be sure to select "federally declared disaster" as the reason for unemployment in the application.

D-SNAP Benefits: People in Transylvania County who are not currently receiving SNAP benefits can apply to receive a one-time benefit to help buy food through the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP). Call 844-453-1117 weekdays 8am-4pm or weekends 9am-12pm. (People receiving FNS can also get extra help to buy food but do not need to fill out a D-SNAP application.)