2009 / 2010 Annual Report

Transylvania County is committed to service excellence in the programs we administer.  Below are statistics and facts regarding our services for state fiscal year 2009/2010, which began in July 1, 2009 and ended June 30, 2010. Unless otherwise stated (point in time statistics), all figures reflect the entire service year.

  • 4,738 individuals or households were receiving Medicaid assistance as of June 30, 2010. This reflects a 24% increase over the previous year.
  • 6,688 medically necessary one-way trips were arranged or provided for through the Medicaid Transportation Program.
  • 2,010 households were receiving Food and Nutrition Services as of June 30, 2010. This reflects a 21% increase over the previous year.
  • 72 families were receiving Work First cash assistance on June 30, 2010, with 36 families involved in employment services.
  • Through Child Support Enforcement, Transylvania County served approximately 908 children and collected in excess of $1,673,000 for their benefit.
  • 1,329 citizens were assisted and $263,467 in Emergency Crisis Assistance Funds
  • $1,090,602 dollars of child care subsidy was provided to benefit 365 children. The primary purpose of child care subsidy is to support parents' employment.
  • 12 adults were able to attend the Adult Day Health or Adult Care Center as recipients of the State Adult Day Care program.
  • 2 Adult Care Homes and 6 Family Care Home were re-licensed and monitored.
  • 54 adults were assessed for abuse, neglect or exploitation by caretakers
  • DSS served as legal guardian for 10 adults
  • 16 adults were able to remain in their homes as an alternative to long term care through the Special Assistance In-Home program
  • 267 reports of potential child abuse / neglect were assessed.
  • 68 of these cases were found to have children who had been abused or neglected.
  • 43 children were served through the foster care program.
  • 6 children formerly in DSS custody obtained a permanent home through adoption, while 15 children in foster care were able to successfully return to a parent or caretaker.
  • 79 adoptive families were assisted with the receipt of state and federal adoption assistance funds.