Transylvania County is committed to service excellence in the programs we administer. Below are statistics and facts regarding our services for state fiscal year 2012/2013, which began in July 1, 2012 and ended June 30, 2013. Unless otherwise stated (point in time statistics), all figures reflect the entire service year.
4,419 individuals or households were receiving Medicaid assistance as of June 30, 2013.
11,876 medically necessary one-way trips were arranged or provided for through the Medicaid Transportation Program.
2,774 households were receiving Food and Nutrition Services as of June 30, 2013.
57 families were receiving Work First cash assistance on June 30, 2013, with 131 participants involved in employment services over the course of the year.
Through Child Support Enforcement, Transylvania County served 918 children and collected $1,571,868 for their benefit.
1,645 crisis situations were assessed and $342,145 in emergency funds were distributed to benefit citizens. Heating assistance was provided through a partnership with The Sharing House in fiscal year 2012/2013.
$976,238 dollars of child care subsidy was provided to benefit 304 children. The primary purpose of child care subsidy is to support parents' employment.
20 adults were able to attend an Adult Care Center as recipients of the State Adult Day Care Program.
53 adults were assessed for abuse, neglect or exploitation
DSS served as legal guardian for 13 adults.
21 adults were able to remain in their homes as an alternative to long term care through the Special Assistance In-Home program.
295 reports of potential child abuse / neglect were assessed.
197 children were found to have been abused or neglected.
67 children were served through the foster care program.
One child formerly in DSS custody obtained a permanent home through adoption this year, while 26 children in foster care were able to successfully return to a parent and 4 went to live with a relative.
74 adoptive families were assisted with the receipt of state and federal adoption assistance funds.